Education Empowered Learning Studio
Education Empowered Learning Studio
Private Teaching * Tutoring * Educational Consulting
Private Teaching * Tutoring * Educational Consulting
Education Empowered Learning Studio is an educational services business providing private teaching, tutoring, and educational consulting for Homeschool, Florida Virtual School, and Traditional school students in Pre-K through 12th Grade.
Education Empowered Learning Studio exists to provide students and families with the control, flexibility, and balance necessary to feel empowered over their child's unique educational journey. Education Empowered Learning Studio meets your child where they are, so they can move forward.
Reading and Math Learning Pods
Education Empowered LearningStudio’s Part-Time Reading and Math Learning Pods Program is a supplemental enrichment program designed to enhance each family’s existing homeschool curriculum. This program is intended to complement, not replace, a full year’s
worth of reading and math instruction. Parents remain responsible for providing additional instruction at home to ensure their child’s comprehensive education.Reading Curriculum and Instruction: Students will participate in explicit, systematic, multisensory lessons based on the Orton-Gillingham approach, delivered through both group and individualized instruction. The primary curriculum used will be the All About Reading Program, complemented by strategies from the Barton Reading and Spelling System and the UFLI Foundations Program.
Math Curriculum and Instruction: Students will engage in explicit, systematic, multisensory lessons that use hands-on manipulatives to transition students from concrete concepts to abstract understanding. The primary curriculum used will be Math with Confidence.
Families are not required to use the same curriculum or resources at home. However, we do offer an enhanced program for an additional fee, where we can provide at-home lesson work to give students extra practice, complementing the instruction you provide throughout the week. This supplemental material can be used at your discretion and does not need to be turned in or returned. Additionally, the at-home lesson practice is a valuable addition to your child’s Homeschool Portfolio for their Annual Evaluation.
Learning Pods Program Details:
Program Schedule:
- Hours: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Days: 2 days a week (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday)
- Duration: 36 weeks, 72 days over a 10 month period.
- Start Date: Monday, August 26, 2024
- End Date: Thursday, May 30, 2025
Subjects Covered:
- Reading
- Math
Grade Levels:
- Kindergarten- 2nd Grade
Class Size:
- Limited to 5 students per pod
- Basic Part-Time Program:
- $120 per week
- $4,320 per year
- Enhanced Part-Time Program:
- $135.50 per week
- $4878 per year
Billing Options:
- Tuition will be billed weekly
- A non-refundable Enrollment fee of $125 will apply.
Enrollment Process:
- There will be an application, an interview process, and academic screening before acceptance into the program.
Application window is now open
Click HERE to apply
Little Scholars Program
Education Empowered LearningStudio’s Little Scholars Program is a supplemental enrichment program designed to enhance each family’s existing homeschool curriculum. This program is intended to complement, not replace, a full year’s worth of reading and math instruction. Parents remain responsible for providing additional instruction at home to ensure their child’s comprehensive education.
Our Little Scholars Program Includes: Social Emotional Skills, Early Literacy and Math Skills, Science, and Social Studies. This program is taught through monthly themes through the Experience Mother Goose Curriculum. Parents will be required to stay for the full hour and a half. Parents are required to stay for the full hour and a half.
Ages: 2 1/2 to 5 years old
Rate: $20 per hour (Billed at the start of each month)
Duration: 1 hour 2x per week (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday)
Student Teacher Ratio: 5:1
Times: 9:00-10:00 or 10:30-11:30
Start Date: Monday, August 26, 2024
End Date: Thursday, May 30, 2025
(36 weeks, 72 days over a 10 month period)
Application window is now open
Click HERE to apply
One on One Tutoring
- Reading
- Writing
- Math
- Kindergarten through 8th Grade
- $60 per hour
- Student Teacher Ratio: 1:1 (Small group option available: 2 students at $40 per hour)
- Duration: 1-hour sessions
Click HERE to sign up for a 15-minute phone consult to apply for tutoring sessions.
Academic & Diagnostic Assessments in
Reading and Math
Session includes 1 hour assessment and 30-minute educational consultation to review results and recommendations. Assessments available in Reading and Math.
$80 per 1.5-hour session
Homeschool Evaluations
Portfolio Review and Consultation.
$40 per Evaluation
Educational Consulting
Review of records and recommendations through virtual or in person meeting.
Attending teacher conferences and IEP meetings.
$50 per hour
We accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities, The PEP Scholarship, and the New Worlds Scholarship (Direct Pay Provider)
Step Up for Students provides students and families personalized educational scholarships. These scholarships can be used for private school, homeschool, private teaching, tutoring, curriculum, resources, supplies, therapists, specialists and more. Click Below for more information.
Kelly DeAngelis-Tyre
- 21 Years teaching experience
- 10 Years experience as a Literacy Coach
- Experience in delivering intensive Intervention in Reading
- Experience in strategies such as the Orton-Gillingham (OG) Approach
- Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education Prk-3rd Grade
- Master's Degree in ReadingK-12
- Early Childhood Education Pre-K-3rd Grade Certification
- Reading K-12 Certification
- Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Certification K-12
- ESOL Endorsement K12
- Direct Pay Provider for Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (Formally known as Gardiner)
- Driect Pay Provider for PEP Scholarship
- Direct Pay Provider for the New Worlds Scholarship
2389 EF Griffin Rd., Bartow, FL 33830Monday -Friday 8:00 am-5:00 PM863-345-0059Call, email, or fill out the contact form below for more information, or to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Find us on Facebook below.
Copyright 2019